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Drowning in data yet starved for information?

Manufacturing companies have a wealth of data contained within their multiple data silos, and The Dow Chemical Co

Palmer Foundry Moves from Static Data to Real-Time Actionable Info in less than 3 weeks

Palmer Foundry in Massachusetts reached a point where their untarnished record and their impeccable customer sati

The EMI Department of Redundancy Department

Forty-three years ago the Firesign Theatre introduced the Department of Redundancy Department to the world.

Reducing Product Recall Risks

Keeping the recall from the door is the task that never ends.

EMI Based Collaboration Accelerates Supply Chain Performance

World class supply chain management (SCM) reduces barriers between suppliers, manufacturers and customers to create a seamless integrated supply chain involving all operational units.

A Tale of Two Cultures – How MI and BI Come Together

Remember the last great manufacturing systems war? The giant ERP project dominated all IT activity and many of its advocates claimed the ERP system could run all corporate functions.