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Chemical Industry Leadership Forum- Houston Texas

The Chemical Industry Leadership Forum drew more than 50 senior management attendees from leading chemical manufacturers. This invitation-only event, hosted at the Petroleum Club in Houston, focused on the challenges of managing manufacturing big data and offered insights on how the value of that data can be unlocked to enhance manufacturing processes and the bottom line.

The featured speaker was Dr. Lloyd Colegrove, Data Services Director and Fundamental Problem Solving Director from the Dow Chemical Company. Dr. Colegrove is a recognized industry leader driving the innovative application of statistical strategies into real-time data analysis for continuous and batch processing. A highlight of his presentation revealed how a manufacturing data analysis and collaboration program at the Dow Chemical Company has tied together multiple plants to trouble shoot plant issues in real time or pre-emptively detect and alert of potential problems well before they impact production.

The Dow Chemical Company has been utilizing NWA Focus EMI®, a next-generation manufacturing intelligence system, in its efforts to fundamentally change how data is viewed and used in relation to the health and capability of manufacturing assets. Dow Chemical uses NWA Focus EMI to enable managers, engineers and operators to identify analyze and resolve issues with fast, informed decisions through visibility in real time from all existing data sources.

"Manufacturers are realizing the potential value and rapid ROI that can be driven using a sophisticated EMI solution like NWA Focus EMI," said Peter Guilfoyle, Vice President of Marketing for Northwest Analytics. "Dow has shown how to harness this value by taking a smarter approach, making the data work for the company through the application of a global analytics layer to existing data sources. This continues to deliver not only better insights into the process, but also to provide huge returns on investment -- more than $1 million each year at each plant."

Northwest Analytics will continue to sponsor this series of Chemical Industry Leadership Forum events to highlight real-world examples of how chemical companies, of all sizes, can leverage EMI solutions to better support their processes. The next event will be held February, 2015. For more information and registration details, please contact
