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Palmer Foundry Moves from Static Data to Real-Time Actionable Info in less than 3 weeks

Palmer Foundry in Massachusetts reached a point where their untarnished record and their impeccable customer satisfaction ratings were no longer enough.  Facing escalating expectations for quality and process control from customers Palmer needed to adopt a system of manufacturing intelligence that would improve their approach to decision making and business strategies - they turned to NWA Focus EMI®.


  • 4 hours over the phone


  • Less than 3 weeks


  • $1.4 M new business in the first year showcasing capabilities with NWA Focus EMI
  • $70K cost avoidance savings for one issue
  • 7% decrease in scrap rates

“We were a company of highly skilled technicians with little or no SPC experience and a small IT department already maxed out.  We needed a solution that was easily learned and adopted”

Jim Lagrant

General Manager, Palmer Foundry


Full case study “Recasting a High-end Foundry into a Data-Driven Manufacturer” to see how they did it.
















