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“Time to value is almost instantaneous.”

Join the conversation on May 15th when Dr. Lloyd Colegrove, Fundamental Problem Solving Director, discusses how Dow got its data together with an innovative new software solution for EMI that works with their existing infrastructure. During this webinar, Maximizing the Value of Process Data – How Dow Implemented EMI, Dr. Colegrove will open the Dow playbook to present a real-world approach to EMI that any manufacturer can apply to process data collected in historians, LIMS, MES or other process databases.

More than a decade ago, Dow established they had a disconnected data problem. They were dealing with every process manufacturer’s reality - critical process data is distributed throughout the big three – control system historians, LIMS and MES – as well as multiple generations of those data systems from multiple vendors. Each was its own silo with no direct way to consolidate and analyze the data to support comprehensive process management.

What Dow needed was an innovative way to access each and every database while maintaining data integrity and not creating vulnerable intermediate databases. As Dr. Colegrove will discuss, Dow Chemical found the answer to their problem in NWA Focus EMI® - an “Accelerated EMI” solution being launched tomorrow that goes beyond the industry-standard definition of EMI.